Multiple detectors, O1 data, hardware injection =============================================== Here we compare ``lalpulsar_parameter_estimation_nested`` with ``cwinpy`` in the case of real gravitational-wave data from a single detector (H1 in this case). This data (you can downloaded the :download:`H1 ` and :download:`L1 ` data) comes from the `O1 run `_ and has been heterodyned using the parameters for the pulsar `hardware injection `_ "PULSAR8" with parameters as given in this file: :download:`PULSAR08.par `. The parameters being estimated are :math:`h_0`, :math:`\phi_0`, :math:`\psi` and :math:`\cos{\iota}`, all with uniform priors (see ":ref:`Example: multi-detector data`" for more information on the data stretch used here). The script for this comparison, using the `dynesty `_ nested sampling algorithm, is shown at the bottom of the page_. It produces the following comparison data: .. image:: scripts/outputs/multi_detector_O1_data_hardware_injection_corner.png .. include:: scripts/outputs/multi_detector_O1_data_hardware_injection_compare.txt .. _page: .. literalinclude:: scripts/ :language: python