############### Run information ############### In CWInPy you can extract information on the observing run start and end times and the parameters of `continuous-wave hardware injections `_. Run times --------- The start and end GPS times of the LIGO and Virgo observation runs available as open data via `GWOSC `__ can be found by in the :obj:`~cwinpy.info.RUNTIMES` :class:`~cwinpy.info.Runtimes` dictionary. This dictionary has methods to convert the start and end times to ISO format (or Modified Julian Data format), extract times for a single observing run, or a single detector. The available run names currently are: ``S5``, ``S6``, ``O1``, ``O2`` and ``O3a``. .. code-block:: python from cwinpy import RUNTIMES # print run times for H1 in ISO format print(RUNTIMES.detector("H1").iso) {'S5': {'H1': ['2005-11-04 16:00:00.000', '2007-10-01 00:00:00.000']}, 'S6': {'H1': ['2009-07-07 21:00:00.000', '2010-10-20 15:00:00.000']}, 'O1': {'H1': ['2015-09-12 00:00:00.000', '2016-01-19 16:00:00.000']}, 'O2': {'H1': ['2016-11-30 16:00:00.000', '2017-08-25 22:00:00.000']}, 'O3a': {'H1': ['2019-04-01 15:00:00.000', '2019-10-01 15:00:00.000']}} Hardware injections ------------------- In each of the observing runs simulated signals from a variety of sources have been directly "injected" into the detector (see [1]_). This includes continuous signals at a variety of frequencies and amplitudes. TEMPO-style pulsar parameter files containing the parameters of these continuous signals are packaged with CWInPy and can be found in the :obj:`~cwinpy.info.HW_INJ` dictionary. This dictionary is keyed on the observing run names and for each run contains both the file paths and the contents of the files in :class:`~cwinpy.parfile.PulsarParameters` objects that were injected. .. note:: The hardware injections were only performed in the LIGO detectors and not the Virgo detector. The files have names of the form ``PULSARXX.par`` with example contents for ``PULSAR00.par`` from the S5 run being:: PSRJ JPULSAR00 F0 132.7885526 F1 -2.075e-12 RA 04:46:12.4627784428 DEC -56:13:02.9490031074 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS TDB EPHEM DE200 H0 2.46648883177e-25 IOTA 0.651944874871 PSI 0.770087086 PHI0 1.33 In these files the ``F0`` and ``F1`` values are equivalent to a pulsar's rotation frequency (Hz) and frequency derivative (Hz/s), and therefore are half the signal frequency/frequency derivative values (as given in the `GWOSC tables `_) in the data. The initial phase ``PHI0`` value is also the equivalent rotational phase (rads) and is therefore half the signal phase. The right ascension ``RA`` is given in "HH:MM:SS" format and the declination ``DEC`` is given in "DD:MM:SS" format. The ``PEPOCH`` value is the epoch at which the initial phase and frequency are defined and is given as a Modified Julian Day in the solar system barycentre frame. The ``UNITS`` value defines whether the `Barcentric Dynamical Time `_ (TDB) or `Barycentric Coordinate Time `_ (TCB) was used to generate the signals. The ``EPHEM`` value defines the JPL solar system ephemeris used to create the signals; this is either ``DE200`` or ``DE405`` for the injections. In some cases the gravitational-wave polarisation angle ``PSI`` has been rotated to be positive valued compared to the values from the GWOSC tables: :math:`\psi \rightarrow \psi + \pi/2`, which also requires an equivalent rotation of the initial phase: :math:`\phi_0 \rightarrow (\phi_0 + \pi/2) \text{ mod } \pi`. The names of the GWOSC analysis segments used for each run are given in :obj:`~cwinpy.info.HW_INJ_SEGMENTS`, which include the time segments to include and those to exclude if required. S5 ~~ In S5 there were 10 continuous injections labeled ``PULSAR00``-``PULSAR09``. There were several epochs of injections with different amplitudes, but the values stored here represent those from `"s5try3" `_ that were present between GPS times of 829412600 and 875301345 as given in :obj:`~cwinpy.info.HW_INJ_RUNTIMES`. These injections used the DE200 solar system ephemeris. S6 ~~ In S6 the same `10 injectons `_ as :ref:`S5` were used. O1 ~~ In O1 there were `15 continuous injections `__ labeled ``PULSAR00``-``PULSAR14``. The first 10 are the same as those in :ref:`S5` and :ref:`S6`, but with adjusted amplitudes. All injections now use the DE405 solar system ephemeris. O2 ~~ In O2 there were the same `15 continuous injections `__ as in :ref:`O1`, although a subset have different amplitudes. O3 ~~ In O3 there were `18 continuous injections `_ labeled ``PULSAR00``-``PULSAR17``. The first 15 are the same as those in :ref:`O1` and :ref:`O2`, but with adjusted amplitudes. The injection labeled ``PULSAR15`` is a very high frequency source, with a signal frequency of 2991 Hz. The injections labeled ``PULSAR16`` and ``PULSAR17`` are simulated to be in binary systems. CVMFS data locations -------------------- The directory locations of GWOSC open data available via CVMFS can be found in the :obj:`~cwinpy.info.CVMFS_FRAME_DATA_LOCATIONS` dictionary (for ``.gwf`` frame files) and the :obj:`~cwinpy.info.CVMFS_HDF5_DATA_LOCATIONS` dictionary (for HDF5 files). These are given for each observing run and each detector, with strain data sampled at 4096 Hz in the ``"4k"`` key (available for all observing runs) and data sampled at 16384 Hz in the ``"16k"`` key (available for all *advanced detector* runs, starting with the ``O`` prefix). Run information references -------------------------- .. [1] `C. Biwer et al `_, *PRD*, **95**, 062002 (2017) .. automodule:: cwinpy.info :members: