Run information#

In CWInPy you can extract information on the observing run start and end times and the parameters of continuous-wave hardware injections.

Run times#

The start and end GPS times of the LIGO and Virgo observation runs available as open data via GWOSC can be found by in the RUNTIMES Runtimes dictionary. This dictionary has methods to convert the start and end times to ISO format (or Modified Julian Data format), extract times for a single observing run, or a single detector. The available run names currently are: S5, S6, O1, O2 and O3a.

from cwinpy import RUNTIMES # print run times for H1 in ISO format
print(RUNTIMES.detector("H1").iso) {'S5': {'H1': ['2005-11-04 16:00:00.000', '2007-10-01
00:00:00.000']}, 'S6': {'H1': ['2009-07-07 21:00:00.000', '2010-10-20 15:00:00.000']}, 'O1':
{'H1': ['2015-09-12 00:00:00.000', '2016-01-19 16:00:00.000']}, 'O2': {'H1': ['2016-11-30
16:00:00.000', '2017-08-25 22:00:00.000']}, 'O3a': {'H1': ['2019-04-01 15:00:00.000', '2019-10-01

Hardware injections#

In each of the observing runs simulated signals from a variety of sources have been directly “injected” into the detector (see [1]). This includes continuous signals at a variety of frequencies and amplitudes. TEMPO-style pulsar parameter files containing the parameters of these continuous signals are packaged with CWInPy and can be found in the HW_INJ dictionary. This dictionary is keyed on the observing run names and for each run contains both the file paths and the contents of the files in PulsarParameters objects that were injected.


The hardware injections were only performed in the LIGO detectors and not the Virgo detector.

The files have names of the form PULSARXX.par with example contents for PULSAR00.par from the S5 run being:

F0      132.7885526
F1      -2.075e-12
RA      04:46:12.4627784428
DEC     -56:13:02.9490031074
PEPOCH  52944.0007428703684126958
H0      2.46648883177e-25
IOTA    0.651944874871
PSI     0.770087086
PHI0    1.33

In these files the F0 and F1 values are equivalent to a pulsar’s rotation frequency (Hz) and frequency derivative (Hz/s), and therefore are half the signal frequency/frequency derivative values (as given in the GWOSC tables) in the data. The initial phase PHI0 value is also the equivalent rotational phase (rads) and is therefore half the signal phase. The right ascension RA is given in “HH:MM:SS” format and the declination DEC is given in “DD:MM:SS” format. The PEPOCH value is the epoch at which the initial phase and frequency are defined and is given as a Modified Julian Day in the solar system barycentre frame. The UNITS value defines whether the Barcentric Dynamical Time (TDB) or Barycentric Coordinate Time (TCB) was used to generate the signals. The EPHEM value defines the JPL solar system ephemeris used to create the signals; this is either DE200 or DE405 for the injections.

In some cases the gravitational-wave polarisation angle PSI has been rotated to be positive valued compared to the values from the GWOSC tables: \(\psi \rightarrow \psi + \pi/2\), which also requires an equivalent rotation of the initial phase: \(\phi_0 \rightarrow (\phi_0 + \pi/2) \text{ mod } \pi\).

The names of the GWOSC analysis segments used for each run are given in HW_INJ_SEGMENTS, which include the time segments to include and those to exclude if required.


In S5 there were 10 continuous injections labeled PULSAR00-PULSAR09. There were several epochs of injections with different amplitudes, but the values stored here represent those from “s5try3” that were present between GPS times of 829412600 and 875301345 as given in HW_INJ_RUNTIMES. These injections used the DE200 solar system ephemeris.


In S6 the same 10 injectons as S5 were used.


In O1 there were 15 continuous injections labeled PULSAR00-PULSAR14. The first 10 are the same as those in S5 and S6, but with adjusted amplitudes. All injections now use the DE405 solar system ephemeris.


In O2 there were the same 15 continuous injections as in O1, although a subset have different amplitudes.


In O3 there were 18 continuous injections labeled PULSAR00-PULSAR17. The first 15 are the same as those in O1 and O2, but with adjusted amplitudes. The injection labeled PULSAR15 is a very high frequency source, with a signal frequency of 2991 Hz. The injections labeled PULSAR16 and PULSAR17 are simulated to be in binary systems.

CVMFS data locations#

The directory locations of GWOSC open data available via CVMFS can be found in the CVMFS_FRAME_DATA_LOCATIONS dictionary (for .gwf frame files) and the CVMFS_HDF5_DATA_LOCATIONS dictionary (for HDF5 files). These are given for each observing run and each detector, with strain data sampled at 4096 Hz in the "4k" key (available for all observing runs) and data sampled at 16384 Hz in the "16k" key (available for all advanced detector runs, starting with the O prefix).

Run information references#

ANALYSIS_SEGMENTS = {'O1': {'H1': 'H1_CBC_CAT1', 'L1': 'L1_CBC_CAT1'}, 'O2': {'H1': 'H1_CBC_CAT1', 'L1': 'L1_CBC_CAT1', 'V1': 'V1_CBC_CAT1'}, 'O3': {'H1': 'H1_CBC_CAT1', 'L1': 'L1_CBC_CAT1', 'V1': 'V1_CBC_CAT1'}, 'O3a': {'H1': 'H1_CBC_CAT1', 'L1': 'L1_CBC_CAT1', 'V1': 'V1_CBC_CAT1'}, 'O3b': {'H1': 'H1_CBC_CAT1', 'L1': 'L1_CBC_CAT1', 'V1': 'V1_CBC_CAT1'}, 'S5': {'H1': 'H1_CW_CAT1', 'H2': 'H2_CW_CAT1', 'L1': 'L1_CW_CAT1'}, 'S6': {'H1': 'H1_CW_CAT1', 'L1': 'L1_CW_CAT1'}}#

Analysis segment flags for use GWOSC open data

CVMFS_GWOSC_BASE = '/cvmfs/'#

Base CVMFS directory for open GWOSC frame data


GWOSC data server URL

CVMFS_GWOSC_DATA_TYPES = {'O1': {'16k': {'H1': 'H1_LOSC_16_V1', 'L1': 'L1_LOSC_16_V1'}, '4k': {'H1': 'H1_LOSC_4_V1', 'L1': 'L1_LOSC_4_V1'}}, 'O2': {'16k': {'H1': 'H1_GWOSC_O2_16KHZ_R1', 'L1': 'L1_GWOSC_O2_16KHZ_R1', 'V1': 'V1_GWOSC_O2_16KHZ_R1'}, '4k': {'H1': 'H1_GWOSC_O2_4KHZ_R1', 'L1': 'L1_GWOSC_O2_4KHZ_R1', 'V1': 'V1_GWOSC_O2_4KHZ_R1'}}, 'O3a': {'16k': {'H1': 'H1_GWOSC_O3a_16KHZ_R1', 'L1': 'L1_GWOSC_O3a_16KHZ_R1', 'V1': 'V1_GWOSC_O3a_16KHZ_R1'}, '4k': {'H1': 'H1_GWOSC_O3a_4KHZ_R1', 'L1': 'L1_GWOSC_O3a_4KHZ_R1', 'V1': 'V1_GWOSC_O3a_4KHZ_R1'}}, 'O3b': {'16k': {'H1': 'H1_GWOSC_O3b_16KHZ_R1', 'L1': 'L1_GWOSC_O3b_16KHZ_R1', 'V1': 'V1_GWOSC_O3b_16KHZ_R1'}, '4k': {'H1': 'H1_GWOSC_O3b_4KHZ_R1', 'L1': 'L1_GWOSC_O3b_4KHZ_R1', 'V1': 'V1_GWOSC_O3b_4KHZ_R1'}}, 'S5': {'4k': {'H1': 'H1_LOSC_4_V1', 'H2': 'H2_LOSC_4_V1', 'L1': 'L1_LOSC_4_V1'}}, 'S6': {'4k': {'H1': 'H1_LOSC_4_V1', 'L1': 'L1_LOSC_4_V1'}}}#

GWOSC data types for different runs

CVMFS_GWOSC_FRAME_CHANNELS = {'O1': {'16k': {'H1': 'H1:GWOSC-16KHZ_R1_STRAIN', 'L1': 'L1:GWOSC-16KHZ_R1_STRAIN'}, '4k': {'H1': 'H1:LOSC-STRAIN', 'L1': 'L1:LOSC-STRAIN'}}, 'O2': {'16k': {'H1': 'H1:GWOSC-16KHZ_R1_STRAIN', 'L1': 'L1:GWOSC-16KHZ_R1_STRAIN', 'V1': 'V1:GWOSC-16KHZ_R1_STRAIN'}, '4k': {'H1': 'H1:GWOSC-4KHZ_R1_STRAIN', 'L1': 'L1:GWOSC-4KHZ_R1_STRAIN', 'V1': 'V1:GWOSC-4KHZ_R1_STRAIN'}}, 'O3': {'16k': {'H1': 'H1:GWOSC-16KHZ_R1_STRAIN', 'L1': 'L1:GWOSC-16KHZ_R1_STRAIN', 'V1': 'V1:GWOSC-16KHZ_R1_STRAIN'}, '4k': {'H1': 'H1:GWOSC-4KHZ_R1_STRAIN', 'L1': 'L1:GWOSC-4KHZ_R1_STRAIN', 'V1': 'V1:GWOSC-4KHZ_R1_STRAIN'}}, 'O3a': {'16k': {'H1': 'H1:GWOSC-16KHZ_R1_STRAIN', 'L1': 'L1:GWOSC-16KHZ_R1_STRAIN', 'V1': 'V1:GWOSC-16KHZ_R1_STRAIN'}, '4k': {'H1': 'H1:GWOSC-4KHZ_R1_STRAIN', 'L1': 'L1:GWOSC-4KHZ_R1_STRAIN', 'V1': 'V1:GWOSC-4KHZ_R1_STRAIN'}}, 'O3b': {'16k': {'H1': 'H1:GWOSC-16KHZ_R1_STRAIN', 'L1': 'L1:GWOSC-16KHZ_R1_STRAIN', 'V1': 'V1:GWOSC-16KHZ_R1_STRAIN'}, '4k': {'H1': 'H1:GWOSC-4KHZ_R1_STRAIN', 'L1': 'L1:GWOSC-4KHZ_R1_STRAIN', 'V1': 'V1:GWOSC-4KHZ_R1_STRAIN'}}, 'S5': {'4k': {'H1': 'H1:LOSC-STRAIN', 'H2': 'H2:LOSC-STRAIN', 'L1': 'L1:LOSC-STRAIN'}}, 'S6': {'4k': {'H1': 'H1:LOSC-STRAIN', 'L1': 'L1:LOSC-STRAIN'}}}#

data channel names in the GWOSC data frames

CVMFS_LVK_BASE = '/cvmfs/'#

Base CVMFS directory for proprietory LVK frame data

HW_INJ = {'O1': {'hw_inj_files': ['/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/'], 'hw_inj_parameters': [PSRJ JPULSAR00 F0 132.7885526 F1 -2.075e-12 RA 04:46:12.4627784428 DEC -56:13:02.9490031074 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      4.90738260285e-25 IOTA    0.651944874871 PSI     0.770087086 PHI0    1.33 , PSRJ    JPULSAR01 F0 424.5416481 F1 -1.50e-10 RA 02:29:34.5244056970 DEC -29:27:08.8572763812 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      2.19401964075e-24 IOTA    1.08849139457 PSI     0.35603553 PHI0    0.64 , PSRJ    JPULSAR02 F0 287.5817865 F1 -6.85e-14 RA 14:21:01.4799511152 DEC 03:26:38.3625755849 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      8.50209706854e-25 IOTA    2.76135386361 # PSI = PSI_INJ + PI/2 = -0.221788475 + PI/2 PSI     1.3490078517948965 # PHI0 = MOD((PHI_GW/2) + PI/2, PI) = MOD((4.03/2) + PI/2, PI) PHI0    0.44420367320510357 , PSRJ    JPULSAR03 F0 54.4285797 F1 -7.3e-18 RA 11:53:29.4177660885 DEC -33:26:11.7687307074 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      8.22604266989e-25 IOTA    1.65154960827 PSI     0.444280306 PHI0    2.765 , PSRJ    JPULSAR04 F0 701.5816655 F1 -1.27e-08 RA 18:39:57.0428284445 DEC -12:27:59.8485847268 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      2.30742401452e-24 IOTA    1.28979208946 # PSI = PSI_INJ + PI/2 = -0.647939117 + PI/2 PSI     0.9228572097948966 # PHI0 = MOD((PHI_GW/2) + PI/2, PI) = MOD((4.83/2) + PI/2, PI) PHI0    0.84420367320510348 , PSRJ    JPULSAR05 F0 26.40416218 F1 -2.015e-18 RA 20:10:30.3939266193 DEC -83:50:20.9035791210 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      1.46427693185e-24 IOTA    1.08945639689 # PSI = PSI_INJ + PI/2 = -0.363953188 + PI/2 PSI     1.206843138794896 # PHI0 = MOD((PHI_GW/2) + PI/2, PI) = MOD((2.23/2) + PI/2, PI) PHI0    2.6857963267948968 , PSRJ    JPULSAR06 F0 74.35951285 F1 -3.365e-09 RA 23:55:00.2279565805 DEC -65:25:21.4496807938 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      8.89144164665e-25 IOTA    0.470984879 PSI     0.470984879 PHI0    0.485 , PSRJ    JPULSAR07 F0 610.4897905 F1 -5.60e-10 RA 14:53:42.1489882552 DEC -20:27:02.2693186245 PEPOCH  52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      2.30489544911e-24 IOTA    0.712371354539 PSI     0.512322887 PHI0    2.625 , PSRJ    JPULSAR08 F0 97.15415925 F1 -4.325e-09 RA 23:25:33.4997197871 DEC -33:25:06.6608320859 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      1.10013760155e-24 IOTA    1.49682623373 PSI     0.170470927 PHI0    2.945 , PSRJ    JPULSAR09 F0 381.92365825 F1 -7.25e-18 RA 13:15:32.5397123813 DEC 75:41:22.5204966800 PEPOCH  52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      1.50540182924e-24 IOTA    2.23850373237 # PSI = PSI_INJ + PI/2 = -0.008560279 + PI/2 PSI     1.5622360477948967 # PHI0 = MOD((PHI_GW/2) + PI/2, PI) = MOD((1.01/2) + PI/2, PI) PHI0    2.0757963267948965 , PSRJ    JPULSAR10 F0 13.17945645 F1 -4.25e-11 RA 14:46:13.3548758482 DEC 42:52:38.2952853103 PEPOCH 55014.626576203707373 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      4.0017194408799556e-24 IOTA    2.9849053595 PSI     0.61465097870534 PHI0    0.05813090969327 , PSRJ    JPULSAR11 F0 15.7124299 F1 -2.535e-13 RA 19:00:23.3600336959 DEC -58:16:19.5383674880 PEPOCH 55014.626576203707373 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      5.63578734091e-24 IOTA    1.90645217306 PSI     0.41170074258401 PHI0    2.58052671295599 , PSRJ    JPULSAR12 F0 19.86380485 F1 -3.125e-9 RA 22:07:24.6406723510 DEC -16:58:22.3739357617 PEPOCH 55014.626576203707373 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      3.334763092388224e-24 IOTA    1.52675894939 # PSI = PSI_INJ + PI/2 = -0.06838 + pi/2 PSI     1.5024158951445266 # PHI0 = MOD((PHI_GW/2) + PI/2, PI) = MOD((2.79415364495732/2) + PI/2, PI) PHI0    2.9678731492735566 , PSRJ    JPULSAR13 F0 6.215 F1 -5.0e-12 RA 00:57:17.746770784939372 DEC 14:19:26.201561774090578 PEPOCH 55014.626576203707373 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      2.23606797749979e-22 IOTA    1.57079632679 PSI     0.0 PHI0    0.125 , PSRJ    JPULSAR14 F0 995.5463 F1 -5e-13 RA 20:03:12.682186483729367 DEC -14:19:26.201561774090578 PEPOCH 55014.626576203707373 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      1.11803398875e-24 IOTA    1.57079632679 PSI     1.0 PHI0    0.625 ]}, 'O2': {'hw_inj_files': ['/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/'], 'hw_inj_parameters': [PSRJ JPULSAR00 F0 132.7885526 F1 -2.075e-12 RA 04:46:12.4627784428 DEC -56:13:02.9490031074 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      9.814765205714328e-25 IOTA    0.651944874871 PSI     0.770087086 PHI0    1.33 , PSRJ    JPULSAR01 F0 424.5416481 F1 -1.50e-10 RA 02:29:34.5244056970 DEC -29:27:08.8572763812 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      4.388039281519701e-24 IOTA    1.08849139457 PSI     0.35603553 PHI0    0.64 , PSRJ    JPULSAR02 F0 287.5817865 F1 -6.85e-14 RA 14:21:01.4799511152 DEC 03:26:38.3625755849 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      1.700419413706005e-24 IOTA    2.76135386361 # PSI = PSI_INJ + PI/2 = -0.221788475 + PI/2 PSI     1.3490078517948965 # PHI0 = MOD((PHI_GW/2) + PI/2, PI) = MOD((4.03/2) + PI/2, PI) PHI0    0.44420367320510357 , PSRJ    JPULSAR03 F0 54.4285797 F1 -7.3e-18 RA 11:53:29.4177660885 DEC -33:26:11.7687307074 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      8.22604266989e-25 IOTA    1.65154960827 PSI     0.444280306 PHI0    2.765 , PSRJ    JPULSAR04 F0 701.5816655 F1 -1.27e-08 RA 18:39:57.0428284445 DEC -12:27:59.8485847268 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      4.61484802903957e-24  IOTA    1.28979208946 # PSI = PSI_INJ + PI/2 = -0.647939117 + PI/2 PSI     0.9228572097948966 # PHI0 = MOD((PHI_GW/2) + PI/2, PI) = MOD((4.83/2) + PI/2, PI) PHI0    0.84420367320510348 , PSRJ    JPULSAR05 F0 26.40416218 F1 -2.015e-18 RA 20:10:30.3939266193 DEC -83:50:20.9035791210 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      1.46427693185e-24 IOTA    1.08945639689 # PSI = PSI_INJ + PI/2 = -0.363953188 + PI/2 PSI     1.206843138794896 # PHI0 = MOD((PHI_GW/2) + PI/2, PI) = MOD((2.23/2) + PI/2, PI) PHI0    2.6857963267948968 , PSRJ    JPULSAR06 F0 74.35951285 F1 -3.365e-09 RA 23:55:00.2279565805 DEC -65:25:21.4496807938 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      8.89144164665e-25 IOTA    0.470984879 PSI     0.470984879 PHI0    0.485 , PSRJ    JPULSAR07 F0 610.4897905 F1 -5.60e-10 RA 14:53:42.1489882552 DEC -20:27:02.2693186245 PEPOCH  52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      4.609790898223612e-24 IOTA    0.712371354539 PSI     0.512322887 PHI0    2.625 , PSRJ    JPULSAR08 F0 97.15415925 F1 -4.325e-09 RA 23:25:33.4997197871 DEC -33:25:06.6608320859 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      1.10013760155e-24 IOTA    1.49682623373 PSI     0.170470927 PHI0    2.945 , PSRJ    JPULSAR09 F0 381.92365825 F1 -7.25e-18 RA 13:15:32.5397123813 DEC 75:41:22.5204966800 PEPOCH  52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      3.0108036584916767e-24 IOTA    2.23850373237 # PSI = PSI_INJ + PI/2 = -0.008560279 + PI/2 PSI     1.5622360477948967 # PHI0 = MOD((PHI_GW/2) + PI/2, PI) = MOD((1.01/2) + PI/2, PI) PHI0    2.0757963267948965 , PSRJ    JPULSAR10 F0 13.17945645 F1 -4.25e-11 RA 14:46:13.3548758482 DEC 42:52:38.2952853103 PEPOCH 55014.626576203707373 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      4.0017194408799556e-24 IOTA    2.9849053595 PSI     0.61465097870534 PHI0    0.05813090969327 , PSRJ    JPULSAR11 F0 15.7124299 F1 -2.535e-13 RA 19:00:23.3600336959 DEC -58:16:19.5383674880 PEPOCH 55014.626576203707373 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      5.63578734091e-24 IOTA    1.90645217306 PSI     0.41170074258401 PHI0    2.58052671295599 , PSRJ    JPULSAR12 F0 19.86380485 F1 -3.125e-9 RA 22:07:24.6406723510 DEC -16:58:22.3739357617 PEPOCH 55014.626576203707373 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      3.334763092388224e-24 IOTA    1.52675894939 # PSI = PSI_INJ + PI/2 = -0.06838 + pi/2 PSI     1.5024158951445266 # PHI0 = MOD((PHI_GW/2) + PI/2, PI) = MOD((2.79415364495732/2) + PI/2, PI) PHI0    2.9678731492735566 , PSRJ    JPULSAR13 F0 6.215 F1 -5.0e-12 RA 00:57:17.746770784939372 DEC 14:19:26.201561774090578 PEPOCH 55014.626576203707373 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      2.23606797749979e-22 IOTA    1.57079632679 PSI     0.0 PHI0    0.125 , PSRJ    JPULSAR14 F0 995.5463 F1 -5e-13 RA 20:03:12.682186483729367 DEC -14:19:26.201561774090578 PEPOCH 55014.626576203707373 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      3.354101966249684e-24 IOTA    1.57079632679 PSI     1.0 PHI0    0.625 ]}, 'O3a': {'hw_inj_files': ['/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/'], 'hw_inj_parameters': [PSRJ JPULSAR00 F0 132.7885526 F1 -2.075e-12 RA 04:46:12.4627784428 DEC -56:13:02.9490031074 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      6.124223574840892e-26 IOTA    0.651944874871 PSI     0.770087086 PHI0    1.33 , PSRJ    JPULSAR01 F0 424.5416481 F1 -1.50e-10 RA 02:29:34.5244056970 DEC -29:27:08.8572763812 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      5.473751357459903e-25 IOTA    1.08849139457 PSI     0.35603553 PHI0    0.64 , PSRJ    JPULSAR02 F0 287.5817865 F1 -6.85e-14 RA 14:21:01.4799511152 DEC 03:26:38.3625755849 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      7.591844081675615e-26 IOTA    2.76135386361 # PSI = PSI_INJ + PI/2 = -0.221788475 + PI/2 PSI     1.3490078517948965 # PHI0 = MOD((PHI_GW/2) + PI/2, PI) = MOD((4.03/2) + PI/2, PI) PHI0    0.44420367320510357 , PSRJ    JPULSAR03 F0 54.4285797 F1 -7.3e-18 RA 11:53:29.4177660885 DEC -33:26:11.7687307074 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      1.297972551562343e-25 IOTA    1.65154960827 PSI     0.444280306 PHI0    2.765 , PSRJ    JPULSAR04 F0 701.5816655 F1 -1.27e-08 RA 18:39:57.0428284445 DEC -12:27:59.8485847268 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      1.0676021638766947e-24  IOTA    1.28979208946 # PSI = PSI_INJ + PI/2 = -0.647939117 + PI/2 PSI     0.9228572097948966 # PHI0 = MOD((PHI_GW/2) + PI/2, PI) = MOD((4.83/2) + PI/2, PI) PHI0    0.84420367320510348 , PSRJ    JPULSAR05 F0 26.40416218 F1 -2.015e-18 RA 20:10:30.3939266193 DEC -83:50:20.9035791210 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      3.985257027977581e-25 IOTA    1.08945639689 # PSI = PSI_INJ + PI/2 = -0.363953188 + PI/2 PSI     1.206843138794896 # PHI0 = MOD((PHI_GW/2) + PI/2, PI) = MOD((2.23/2) + PI/2, PI) PHI0    2.6857963267948968 , PSRJ    JPULSAR06 F0 74.35951285 F1 -3.365e-09 RA 23:55:00.2279565805 DEC -65:25:21.4496807938 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      3.84344031387069e-25 IOTA    0.470984879 PSI     0.470984879 PHI0    0.485 , PSRJ    JPULSAR07 F0 610.4897905 F1 -5.60e-10 RA 14:53:42.1489882552 DEC -20:27:02.2693186245 PEPOCH  52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      1.6531151276220903e-25 IOTA    0.712371354539 PSI     0.512322887 PHI0    2.625 , PSRJ    JPULSAR08 F0 97.15415925 F1 -4.325e-09 RA 23:25:33.4997197871 DEC -33:25:06.6608320859 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      1.3019155750808516e-25 IOTA    1.49682623373 PSI     0.170470927 PHI0    2.945 , PSRJ    JPULSAR09 F0 381.92365825 F1 -7.25e-18 RA 13:15:32.5397123813 DEC 75:41:22.5204966800 PEPOCH  52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      1.2956436031154028e-25 IOTA    2.23850373237 # PSI = PSI_INJ + PI/2 = -0.008560279 + PI/2 PSI     1.5622360477948967 # PHI0 = MOD((PHI_GW/2) + PI/2, PI) = MOD((1.01/2) + PI/2, PI) PHI0    2.0757963267948965 , PSRJ    JPULSAR10 F0 13.17945645 F1 -4.25e-11 RA 14:46:13.3548758482 DEC 42:52:38.2952853103 PEPOCH 55014.626576203707373 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      6.262497962511783e-25 IOTA    2.9849053595 PSI     0.61465097870534 PHI0    0.05813090969327 , PSRJ    JPULSAR11 F0 15.7124299 F1 -2.535e-13 RA 19:00:23.3600336959 DEC -58:16:19.5383674880 PEPOCH 55014.626576203707373 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      3.171489561862042e-25 IOTA    1.90645217306 PSI     0.41170074258401 PHI0    2.58052671295599 , PSRJ    JPULSAR12 F0 19.86380485 F1 -3.125e-9 RA 22:07:24.6406723510 DEC -16:58:22.3739357617 PEPOCH 55014.626576203707373 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      2.6309315022969274e-25 IOTA    1.52675894939 # PSI = PSI_INJ + PI/2 = -0.06838 + pi/2 PSI     1.5024158951445266 # PHI0 = MOD((PHI_GW/2) + PI/2, PI) = MOD((2.79415364495732/2) + PI/2, PI) PHI0    2.9678731492735566 , PSRJ    JPULSAR13 F0 6.215 F1 -5.0e-12 RA 00:57:17.746770784939372 DEC 14:19:26.201561774090578 PEPOCH 55014.626576203707373 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      2.646188733785785e-24 IOTA    1.57079632679 PSI     0.0 PHI0    0.125 , PSRJ    JPULSAR14 F0 995.5463 F1 -5e-13 RA 20:03:12.682186483729367 DEC -14:19:26.201561774090578 PEPOCH 55014.626576203707373 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      1.8257418583505536e-24 IOTA    1.57079632679 PSI     1.0 PHI0    0.625 , PSRJ    JPULSAR15 F0 1495.5463 F1 -5e-13 RA 20:03:12.682186483729367 DEC -14:19:26.201561774090578 PEPOCH 55014.62657620370737 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0      8.660254037844385e-25 IOTA    1.5707963267948966 PSI     1.0 PHI0    0.625 , PSRJ    JPULSAR16 F0 117.2835 F1 0.0 RA 01:19:54.99944806241771 DEC -15:38:24.9910999368 PEPOCH 58484.00080074074504 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0 1.5862977544445357e-25 IOTA    0.7598222219515758 # PSI = PSI_INJ - PI = 4.084 - PI PSI     0.9424073464102065 PHI0    0.0 BINARY  BT PB      0.9715416666666666 ECC     0.0 A1      2.35 OM      70.73507755567093 T0      58484.00080074074504 , PSRJ    JPULSAR17 F0 445.0615 F1 0.0 RA 07:19:54.9990796061 DEC -15:38:24.9910999368 PEPOCH 58484.00080074074504 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE405 H0 8.393684758058924e-26 IOTA    0.7675866198953613 # PSI = PSI_INJ - PI = 4.084 - PI PSI     0.9424073464102065 PHI0    0.0 BINARY  BT PB      0.9715416666666666 ECC     0.0 A1      2.35 OM      122.301279117445 T0      58484.50080074074504 ]}, 'S5': {'hw_inj_files': ['/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/'], 'hw_inj_parameters': [PSRJ JPULSAR00 F0 132.7885526 F1 -2.075e-12 RA 04:46:12.4627784428 DEC -56:13:02.9490031074 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE200 H0      2.46648883177e-25 IOTA    0.651944874871 PSI     0.770087086 PHI0    1.33 , PSRJ    JPULSAR01 F0 424.5416481 F1 -1.50e-10 RA 02:29:34.5244056970 DEC -29:27:08.8572763812 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE200 H0      1.06005011644e-24 IOTA    1.08849139457 PSI     0.35603553 PHI0    0.64 , PSRJ    JPULSAR02 F0 287.5817865 F1 -6.85e-14 RA 14:21:01.4799511152 DEC 03:26:38.3625755849 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE200 H0      4.0185185179e-24 IOTA    2.76135386361 # PSI = PSI_INJ + PI/2 = -0.221788475 + PI/2 PSI     1.3490078517948965 # PHI0 = MOD((PHI_GW/2) + PI/2, PI) = MOD((4.03/2) + PI/2, PI) PHI0    0.44420367320510357 , PSRJ    JPULSAR03 F0 54.4285797 F1 -7.3e-18 RA 11:53:29.4177660885 DEC -33:26:11.7687307074 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE200 H0      1.62770861414e-23 IOTA    1.65154960827 PSI     0.444280306 PHI0    2.765 , PSRJ    JPULSAR04 F0 701.5816655 F1 -1.27e-08 RA 18:39:57.0428284445 DEC -12:27:59.8485847268 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE200 H0      4.56204779635e-23 IOTA    1.28979208946 # PSI = PSI_INJ + PI/2 = -0.647939117 + PI/2 PSI     0.9228572097948966 # PHI0 = MOD((PHI_GW/2) + PI/2, PI) = MOD((4.83/2) + PI/2, PI) PHI0    0.84420367320510348 , PSRJ    JPULSAR05 F0 26.40416218 F1 -2.015e-18 RA 20:10:30.3939266193 DEC -83:50:20.9035791210 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE200 H0      4.84996486239e-24 IOTA    1.08945639689 # PSI = PSI_INJ + PI/2 = -0.363953188 + PI/2 PSI     1.206843138794896 # PHI0 = MOD((PHI_GW/2) + PI/2, PI) = MOD((2.23/2) + PI/2, PI) PHI0    2.6857963267948968 , PSRJ    JPULSAR06 F0 74.35951285 F1 -3.365e-09 RA 23:55:00.2279565805 DEC -65:25:21.4496807938 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE200 H0      6.92190899994e-25 IOTA    0.470984879 PSI     0.470984879 PHI0    0.485 , PSRJ    JPULSAR07 F0 610.4897905 F1 -5.60e-10 RA 14:53:42.1489882552 DEC -20:27:02.2693186245 PEPOCH  52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE200 H0      2.19819528228e-24 IOTA    0.712371354539 PSI     0.512322887 PHI0    2.625 , PSRJ    JPULSAR08 F0 97.15415925 F1 -4.325e-09 RA 23:25:33.4997197871 DEC -33:25:06.6608320859 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE200 H0      1.58762900137e-23 IOTA    1.49682623373 PSI     0.170470927 PHI0    2.945 , PSRJ    JPULSAR09 F0 381.92365825 F1 -7.25e-18 RA 13:15:32.5397123813 DEC 75:41:22.5204966800 PEPOCH  52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE200 H0      8.13001077197e-25 IOTA    2.23850373237 # PSI = PSI_INJ + PI/2 = -0.008560279 + PI/2 PSI     1.5622360477948967 # PHI0 = MOD((PHI_GW/2) + PI/2, PI) = MOD((1.01/2) + PI/2, PI) PHI0    2.0757963267948965 ]}, 'S6': {'hw_inj_files': ['/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/'], 'hw_inj_parameters': [PSRJ JPULSAR00 F0 132.7885526 F1 -2.075e-12 RA 04:46:12.4627784428 DEC -56:13:02.9490031074 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE200 H0      2.46648883177e-25 IOTA    0.651944874871 PSI     0.770087086 PHI0    1.33 , PSRJ    JPULSAR01 F0 424.5416481 F1 -1.50e-10 RA 02:29:34.5244056970 DEC -29:27:08.8572763812 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE200 H0      1.06005011644e-24 IOTA    1.08849139457 PSI     0.35603553 PHI0    0.64 , PSRJ    JPULSAR02 F0 287.5817865 F1 -6.85e-14 RA 14:21:01.4799511152 DEC 03:26:38.3625755849 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE200 H0      4.0185185179e-24 IOTA    2.76135386361 # PSI = PSI_INJ + PI/2 = -0.221788475 + PI/2 PSI     1.3490078517948965 # PHI0 = MOD((PHI_GW/2) + PI/2, PI) = MOD((4.03/2) + PI/2, PI) PHI0    0.44420367320510357 , PSRJ    JPULSAR03 F0 54.4285797 F1 -7.3e-18 RA 11:53:29.4177660885 DEC -33:26:11.7687307074 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE200 H0      1.62770861414e-23 IOTA    1.65154960827 PSI     0.444280306 PHI0    2.765 , PSRJ    JPULSAR04 F0 701.5816655 F1 -1.27e-08 RA 18:39:57.0428284445 DEC -12:27:59.8485847268 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE200 H0      4.56204779635e-23 IOTA    1.28979208946 # PSI = PSI_INJ + PI/2 = -0.647939117 + PI/2 PSI     0.9228572097948966 # PHI0 = MOD((PHI_GW/2) + PI/2, PI) = MOD((4.83/2) + PI/2, PI) PHI0    0.84420367320510348 , PSRJ    JPULSAR05 F0 26.40416218 F1 -2.015e-18 RA 20:10:30.3939266193 DEC -83:50:20.9035791210 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE200 H0      4.84996486239e-24 IOTA    1.08945639689 # PSI = PSI_INJ + PI/2 = -0.363953188 + PI/2 PSI     1.206843138794896 # PHI0 = MOD((PHI_GW/2) + PI/2, PI) = MOD((2.23/2) + PI/2, PI) PHI0    2.6857963267948968 , PSRJ    JPULSAR06 F0 74.35951285 F1 -3.365e-09 RA 23:55:00.2279565805 DEC -65:25:21.4496807938 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE200 H0      6.92190899994e-25 IOTA    0.470984879 PSI     0.470984879 PHI0    0.485 , PSRJ    JPULSAR07 F0 610.4897905 F1 -5.60e-10 RA 14:53:42.1489882552 DEC -20:27:02.2693186245 PEPOCH  52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE200 H0      2.19819528228e-24 IOTA    0.712371354539 PSI     0.512322887 PHI0    2.625 , PSRJ    JPULSAR08 F0 97.15415925 F1 -4.325e-09 RA 23:25:33.4997197871 DEC -33:25:06.6608320859 PEPOCH 52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE200 H0      1.58762900137e-23 IOTA    1.49682623373 PSI     0.170470927 PHI0    2.945 , PSRJ    JPULSAR09 F0 381.92365825 F1 -7.25e-18 RA 13:15:32.5397123813 DEC 75:41:22.5204966800 PEPOCH  52944.0007428703684126958 UNITS   TDB EPHEM   DE200 H0      8.13001077197e-25 IOTA    2.23850373237 # PSI = PSI_INJ + PI/2 = -0.008560279 + PI/2 PSI     1.5622360477948967 # PHI0 = MOD((PHI_GW/2) + PI/2, PI) = MOD((1.01/2) + PI/2, PI) PHI0    2.0757963267948965 ]}}#

locations of hardware injection parameter files

HW_INJ_RUNTIMES = {'O1': {'H1': [1126051217, 1137254417], 'L1': [1126051217, 1137254417]}, 'O2': {'H1': [1164556817, 1187733618], 'L1': [1164556817, 1187733618]}, 'O3': {'H1': [1238166018, 1269363618], 'L1': [1238166018, 1269363618]}, 'O3a': {'H1': [1238166018, 1253977218], 'L1': [1238166018, 1253977218]}, 'O3b': {'H1': [1256655618, 1269363618], 'L1': [1256655618, 1269363618]}, 'S5': {'H1': [829412600, 875232014], 'H2': [829412616, 875232014], 'L1': [829413522, 875232014]}, 'S6': {'H1': [931035615, 971622015], 'L1': [931035615, 971622015]}}#

Start and end run times for continuous wave hardware injections (no injections for Virgo)

HW_INJ_SEGMENTS = {'O1': {'H1': {'excludesegments': 'H1_NO_CW_HW_INJ', 'includesegments': 'H1_CBC_CAT1'}, 'L1': {'excludesegments': 'L1_NO_CW_HW_INJ', 'includesegments': 'L1_CBC_CAT1'}}, 'O2': {'H1': {'excludesegments': 'H1_NO_CW_HW_INJ', 'includesegments': 'H1_CBC_CAT1'}, 'L1': {'excludesegments': 'L1_NO_CW_HW_INJ', 'includesegments': 'L1_CBC_CAT1'}}, 'O3': {'H1': {'excludesegments': 'H1_NO_CW_HW_INJ', 'includesegments': 'H1_CBC_CAT1'}, 'L1': {'excludesegments': 'L1_NO_CW_HW_INJ', 'includesegments': 'L1_CBC_CAT1'}}, 'O3a': {'H1': {'excludesegments': 'H1_NO_CW_HW_INJ', 'includesegments': 'H1_CBC_CAT1'}, 'L1': {'excludesegments': 'L1_NO_CW_HW_INJ', 'includesegments': 'L1_CBC_CAT1'}}, 'O3b': {'H1': {'excludesegments': 'H1_NO_CW_HW_INJ', 'includesegments': 'H1_CBC_CAT1'}, 'L1': {'excludesegments': 'L1_NO_CW_HW_INJ', 'includesegments': 'L1_CBC_CAT1'}}, 'S5': {'H1': {'excludesegments': None, 'includesegments': 'H1_CW_CAT1'}, 'H2': {'excludesegments': None, 'includesegments': 'H2_CW_CAT1'}, 'L1': {'excludesegments': None, 'includesegments': 'L1_CW_CAT1'}}, 'S6': {'H1': {'excludesegments': None, 'includesegments': 'H1_CW_CAT1'}, 'L1': {'excludesegments': None, 'includesegments': 'L1_CW_CAT1'}}}#

Analysis segment flags for continuous-wave injections from GWOSC

RUNTIMES = {'O1': {'H1': [1126051217, 1137254417], 'L1': [1126051217, 1137254417]}, 'O2': {'H1': [1164556817, 1187733618], 'L1': [1164556817, 1187733618], 'V1': [1185624018, 1187733618]}, 'O3': {'H1': [1238166018, 1269363618], 'L1': [1238166018, 1269363618], 'V1': [1238166018, 1269363618]}, 'O3a': {'H1': [1238166018, 1253977218], 'L1': [1238166018, 1253977218], 'V1': [1238166018, 1253977218]}, 'O3b': {'H1': [1256655618, 1269363618], 'L1': [1256655618, 1269363618], 'V1': [1256655618, 1269363618]}, 'S5': {'H1': [815155213, 875232014], 'H2': [815155213, 875232014], 'L1': [815155213, 875232014]}, 'S6': {'H1': [931035615, 971622015], 'L1': [931035615, 971622015]}}#

Start and end times (GPS seconds) of open data observing runs

class Runtimes#

Bases: dict

Dictionary-like class to hold start and end times of gravitational-wave detector observing runs.


Return start end end time for all runs for a given detector.


det (str) – The short name of the required detector, e.g., “H1” for the LIGO Hanford detector.


A Runtimes dictionary.

Return type:


property iso#

Convert and return run start and end times to ISO UTC format.

property mjd#

Convert and return run start and end times in MJD format.


Return start and end times for all detectors in a given observing run.


run (str) – The name of the required observing run.


A Runtimes dictionary.

Return type:


is_hwinj(psr, return_file=False)#

Check if a given pulsar is a hardware injection either by being: a file or PulsarParameters object that is the same as one of the internal stored hardware injection files; it is a string with the same name as the pulsar name in one of the hardware injection file; it is the same name as one of the internal hardware injection files (striped of path and extension).

  • psr (str, PulsarParameters) – The string or object to check whether it is a hardware injection.

  • return_file (bool) – Set to True to return the path to the internally stored hardware injection that is equivalent to the psr rather than a boolean.